08 August, 2019

Tool-X: Turn Your Linux Distro To A Pentesting OS With 263 Hacking Tools

hackster io About Tool-X
Tool-X - Turn your Linux distro to a Pentest OS with 263 Hacking tools
   Tool-X is a Kali Linux hacking Tool installer. Tool-X developed for Termux and other Android terminals. With Tool-X you can install almost 263 hacking tools in Termux app and other linux based distributions. Now Tool-X is available for Ubuntu, Debian...

How to use Tool-X?
 * Type 0: To install all tools.
 * Type
1: to sow all available tools and type the number of a tool which you want to install.
 * Type
2: to show tools category.
 * Type
3: for install operating system in termux
 * Type
4: if you want to update Tool-X.
 * Type
5: if you know About us.
 * Type
x: for exit.

Install and run Tool-X
   You have to install Python 2 first: sudo apt instal python2 python2-pip
   And then, download Tool-X-master.zip, extract, open its folder with Terminal and enter the command: sudo python .Tool-X.py

Read more: Katoolin: Install pentest tools from Kali Linux on GNU/Linux

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